FCC Kids

Child Care

Child Care is available for infants-prek during the 10:30a.m. worship service. 

Junior Church

Children Kindergarten through 5th grade begin 10:30a.m. worship in the Sanctuary with their families. Following Children’s Message, children have the opportunity to attend Jr Church.  

Worship Bags

Worship Activity Bags are available in the Sanctuary for children to use during the service.

Pastors Class

All youth in fifth grade or older who have not been baptized or want to make a reaffirmation of their baptism, and their parents are invited to be part of Pastor’s Class during Lent.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is held one week in July in the evening from 6-8pm. Children three years old through fifth grade are welcome to join us Vacation Bible School. 

Christian Education Team

Richelle Aukeman
Anna Lloyd